What prevents a company from following the path of marketing reinvention, creativity and brand innovation? The inability of managers to assess whether an innovative idea will advance an organization's goals or take it off course.
What do Folgers, Pampers, Tylenol, Coca-Cola and many other products all have in common?
Me! I perform extreme product makeovers for global marketing leaders: the world's top C-suite and line management teams dealing in products and categories with flat, stagnant or declining sales, delisted or new products and line extensions.
When's the time to perform an EXTREME PRODUCT MAKEOVER? Whenever someone notices product or category sales are slipping.
Course graduates Folgers, Pampers and Tylenol became "billion dollar" (US sales) CPG product lines. (Single lines that sell $1+ billion not brands of many lines). Others followed. Our least successful grad, Baked Lays sold $310 million in 10 months. To date, no one else in the US $2.4 trillion consumer package good industry has launched a single more successful product (Source: IRI).
Are your product or category sales slipping?
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